Autumn Olive Farms

Heritage Pork: Award-winning & Sustainable

At Autumn Olive Farms, located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, the heritage-breed herds roam free to forage, graze and “root” in the sunshine.

Pigs eat more than just the vegetation above ground. They dig for nuts and seeds and consume the soil in the process. This activity, coupled with the tireless supervision that the Trainum family provides, keeps the herd healthy and happy during their entire lifespan.

Whether it’s giving the pigs hay before the cold weather, allowing them to root in the corn fields in the Fall or to graze in berry fields in the warm months, the team rotates the herd to consume just the type of seasonal food they need. This rotation also nourishes the land, allowing the animals to live in harmony with the environment.

The Trainum family, who own and operate the farm, point to the goodness of the farm’s soil, steeped in the rich minerals of the Blue Ridge Mountains, for their success. The unique characteristics of the entire ecosystem provides the three breeds of pigs they raise with a natural diet that keeps them healthy and produces exceptional meat.

Clay & Linda Trainum pose with their sons, Logan, Tyler & Luke.

The Blue Ridge Mountains, in view at Autumn Olive Farms.

Clay picking burs off one of the hogs: just one of the many things he does to care for the herd.


Agriberry Farm


Fresh Crunch